How to Prevent Mouth Ulcers While Wearing Braces? 

Mouth ulcers, which are also known as canker sores, are common occurrences in people who are wearing braces. Braces can cause irritation or injury to the soft tissues of the mouth, leading to the development of ulcers. Brackets and wires in the mouth can make it challenging to keep the mouth clean, along with ulcers. 

So, if you are wearing braces and also facing similar issues, then you are at the right place. In this article, we will study how to prevent mouth ulcers while wearing braces. If you are in Jackson Heights, you can also consult family and cosmetic dentistry in Jackson Heights, who can provide professional advice about how to prevent mouth ulcers. 

How to Prevent Mouth Ulcers While Wearing Braces? 

  • Use Silicon Covers: Silicon covers are designed to protect the lips and mouth from the brackets. It is a long-lasting solution to prevent mouth ulcers, and it is essential to note that the brackets should be completely dry before being applied to the silicon covers. 
  • Rinse and Disinfect: You can use rinsing gels, which are commonly used to prevent the pain caused by ulcers. It helps to form a strong barrier over the sore areas for several hours. You can use this rinsing solution frequently, and thus, it will prevent the soreness of the ulcer spots in the mouth. 
  • Brush and Floss: It is one of the simplest ways of protecting your mouth from ulcers. Brushing and flossing will reduce the chances of bacteria build-up in the mouth and thus make sure that there is no such development of ulcers. Additionally, when you have braces, it catches the food residue, and therefore, it becomes essential to remove such residue every time you eat. Therefore, brushing and flossing is very important. 
  • Apply Orthodontic Wax: Orthodontic wax is one of the simplest ways to prevent ulcers from the brackets. Orthodontic wax is similar to beeswax, which can be easily plucked off and placed on brackets. You can warn the wax and stick it on the abrasion area to prevent the ulcers from the brackets. 
  • Drink Water: Water is an antibacterial component that helps prevent ulcers in the mouth. You can regularly consume water that will stimulate the production of saliva and protect from ulcers. A dry mouth is vulnerable to ulcers, and therefore, you must drink water to minimize the pain in the inner cheeks where the abrasion is high.